Friday, February 19, 2016

Lead with Love

Lead with Love

When he ticks you off, lead with Love.

When she gets under your skin, lead with Love.

When you’re down on yourself, lead with Love.

When you’re stuck in the past, lead with Love.

When you’re anxious about tomorrow, lead with Love.

When you don’t know what to say, lead with Love.

When you don’t know what to do, lead with Love.

When you meet a stranger, lead with Love.

When you come home after a tough day, lead with Love.

When you want to bite his head off, lead with Love.

When you’re feeling slighted, lead with Love.

When you’re impatient, lead with Love.

Lead with Love?

What does that look like?

What’s that sound like?

What’s it feel like?

Love looks like:

a smile
a hug
 a gentle hand
a listening ear
extending a warm gesture
an emotional embrace
a note of support
joining with
the offer of assistance
a welcome
eye contact
open arms

Love sounds like:

the hush of a forest
the voice of a child
clarifying questions
a line of poetry 
the waves upon the shore
a gentle pat
a kiss
a favorite song
a reminder of your power, unity, oneness
a phone call 
a soothing melody
the voice of a loved one/friend…

Love feels like
a hug
a delicate touch
the sweet breath of spring
an embrace

Lead with Love.
What you give, you shall receive.

Barbara Franco Adams
© 2016